Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Bird Watching

Hi... i wanna write today about Bird Watching...

now for those who know me, NO i am not talking about the female variety, but the tweety creatures that live in trees. Here is a pic of where i do my bird watching :) From the large windows in my house i can see Blackbirds, Robins, Tits (hehe, still makes me laugh), Pigeons, Magpies and the well known demonically possessed seagulls who do the largest poops on my car, that you have ever seen.

What i have noticed is that these birds always seem to have a sense of purpose. (even if it is to frustrate the hell out of me by deafcing my car evry day). I have not slowed much to take time and watch this kind of nature before, but it is amazing how in their own way they are actively creating, building, storing and observing.

What i imagine is that they are not sitting around thinking, 'oh damn i didn't get that nest built in time'.. 'crap i forgot to marinate the worms when i left the nest this morning', or ' if only i could be on a nice palm branch somewhere'.

I have noted recently that i spend a huge amount of time thinking about the future and sometime in the past and do not spend a huge deal of time in the here and now.
I am becoming increasingly conscious of ' The Moment'.

Matthew6 vs25-26 ' I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat or drink or wear. Isn't life more important than food or clothing? Look at the birds of the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't store in barns. Yet your father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?'

Linked to the last blog about suffering i ask the question when reading this, ' well yeah but some people don't have food to eat at all and they are not taken care of... shouldn't they worry??'

On further thought and reading though i don't think that is what is being said here. Jeff Lucus points out.. that this passage does not mean we should not think about practical stuff, and give no thought to material things.. "My bird lodgers are industrius and busy and the bible is quite blunt about laziness...Jesus calls us away from a superficial obsession with stuff, away for settlng from mere survival, into a life of real significance and purpose "

Like the birds i want to be free from this kind of worry, kinda living in the moment. When people say life is for living and we need to make the most of every moment, i wonder how much those people spend thought and energy worrying about the moments looming the next day?? In a time right now, which for some is extremely tense, with looming reeundancy and economic collapse, i think these words are especially helpful. Lets focus on what we can change/do. Lets focus on the here and now, knowing God is with us no matter how hard it gets. This refusal to worry does not come naturally.
Worry produces anxiety and that is not a helpful thing to carry around with us. I am trying my best to lower my anxiety, take a breath and watch how the birds do it.

"Don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today" Matt6vs34

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