Saturday, 12 July 2008

France and beyond...

Entry 3

The journey to Spain begins. Ok so to start I did the Biarritz to Barcelona trip in 6 hours and seeing as though I allowed 12 I had time to use… I parked in a the worlds most expensive car park and headed off up the famous Las Ramblas. One or two mime artists later, I decided to head off the well-worn track and go side street style. You don’t really see a city until you see the side alleys, even just one street away from the tourist hustle and bustle you see homeless guys, shady characters emptying handbags out in bins, tattoo parlours and hidden fetish shops, as well as some bone chilling looks from the inhabitants.

Ended up in Barcolanetta, a great beach spot frequented by many of the cities beautiful and Gay population and a few old leather skinned men in thongs. Obviously why I went there. Actually when I arrived I found you can surf in Barcelona, was tempted to sprint back the 4 miles I had walked and get the surf board but time was not on my side so watched and daydreamed. Actually really nice to have a day alone before the mayhem begins , love Barcelona and Spain for that matter. .
The evening was crazy with the Spanish police escorting our ferry convoy through Barcelona, stopping all other traffic, the chaos was laughable, Now on the ferry upgraded by myself until someone finds me in the wrong seat J

Thought for the day.

Ongoing consideration of the negative thought process… I think I am still so easily brought back into the cycle of needing affirmation from others. A few setbacks and escapist thoughts and I am right there in the thick of “ I need to feel special” time.
One solution is to meditate on the words of God in the bible. Trying to promote positive thoughts. One is to search inside and understand the root of the problem so I can deal with it. Another is to find a distraction from the distraction or maybe even just get on with something else. Or I could just see it as not that big a deal not dwell on it and just get on with it.. Who can add any more time to there lives by worrying hey??

A few weeks ago all this seemed very simple and I don’t think my mind ha fully caught up with what is about to happen. My dream last night of stabbing a friend in the nose, getting peed on by another friend and leaving piles of rubbish for my parents and sister to clean up .. actually waking up with my gums bleeding cos I had been clenching my teeth so hard in the night!!! may give some description of the turmoil of my mind at this point… glad it was a dream though, the gums I can deal with : o
It is amazing how quickly my/our minds can change, one minute all positive, no concern, the next confusion and dissatisfaction.
I give it to God in Prayer.

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