Sunday, 26 October 2008

Starting a new job...

So my new job is now a week old. In that time i have also been best man at my friend Ben's wedding... (very proud of him right now)... i have met up with people from Ibiza... visited 2 clubs, been out on the streets on Carnage night when 2000 students bar crawl the town in winter with t shirts and much less on. Oh did i mention getting pulled over by the police when dropping two friends off home, who incidentally were wearing not much more than lingerie!! There is a story to tell there somewhere.
It is hard to know what to think at the moment, some people are very happy with the way things are in the role others have big ideas for change. I think my time in Ibiza has definitely given me a comparison and i hope to find good bits from both to develop things here further.

One thing i do know is that i am certainly in a Bridging position between 'world and church'.. on my visit to the Christian union i was approached by one girl who said ' isn't it sinful to go into nightclubs, we are praying for them to close in our church and you go in them.....i don't believe God is in those places'
I also at times frequent a Christian dating site a girl recently sent me a message ....
I checked out your facebook, which led me to your website, I don't see much of Jesus in there. Clubbing, parties, worldly activities is all I saw.
Didn't notice anything that leads me to think you are a christian who loves God.
So thanks, but no thanks.

Similarly on the street tonight a guy asked who we were, one of those with us said who do you think we are? he replied Christians and quickly i definitely don't need your help...and made his exit.

i guess in both camps some will love us some hate us... i have to get used to it.. people can be very quick to judge at times.

Some want to be left alone, some feel so alone, some want to make everyone like them, others want to be like everyone else, some want to change and can't, others can but don't want to.

Is there an answer.. i don't know but i am learning to love myself despite what others may think, i am learning to Love God despite what i sometimes feel and i am learning to accept others even when they don't think like me...

life is a journey.. right now i feel like i am getting there :)


crazy daisy said...

sounds really interesting! and i think you're doing the right and a very good job - even though i know just very little about it.
so be blessed loads in all your work!!!

Brian said...

mate, keep going love this post thanks for your honesty

Laura said...

Hi Michael, before I went to Ibiza a guy said to me that nightclubs and everyone in them are abominations, and I am compromising my faith by going there. He was one of the guys who stands outside giving out tracts and praying for them to close. At the time I was outraged (!!) but now I think it's deperately sad the restrictions Christians put on themselves. What are you are doign is amazing and Godly, keep going mate! Laura x